If we are truly to combat the chronic disease crisis society is facing, while addressing health equity to promote wellness for all, there is a clear need to radically reimagine how we think about health & healthcare. It’s hard to “get a grip on longevity” when poor nutritional habits and sedentary lifestyles are becoming ubiquitous, leading to growing levels of metabolic disorders, obesity, stress, and chronic fatigue (especially coming out of the pandemic).

Despite enormous challenges, we live in extraordinary times, with both extraordinary opportunity and obligation. We possess the technological means along with community might to create a new structural framework for longevity.

The three key pillars of such a new framework:

    1. Integrating fitness into healthcare by utilizing exercise and nutrition as preventative medicine
    2. Ensuring that the latest innovations in fitness tools and modalities are broadly accessible
    3. Leveraging diverse communities to create fullstack solutions


FitBiomics as a next-gen health company is committed to upholding these principles by leveraging cutting edge bioscience. We’re rapidly translating microbiome data of the most fit people in the world into next-gen probiotics for health and longevity solutions. And as crazy as that sounds, the craziest part is that it’s working.

We have accelerated two innovations to market - clinically validated for gut and sleep health, as well as anti-fatigue and endurance. Imagine a probiotic that naturally eats lactic acid to provide our bodies with a foundation to help reduce fatigue and motivate us to be more active. This is how we’re addressing some of the most critical health needs now, while expanding our discovery platform to develop microbes for additional functions downstream (strength, mood, recovery, etc.)

Diversity is a requisite for evolution. Both biologically and societally. We incorporate diversity holistically from the biological data we translate to the communities we collaborate with. That includes fitness enthusiasts, health seekers, and health needers. Our goal is fundamentally to change the way we understand and optimize our bodies. Our aim is to provide our probiotics as health tech solutions to help power the entire wellness operating system.

From fitness apps to wellness clinics, from wearables to personalized nutrition, to exercise as medicine interventions - we want to work with you. We want to empower your communities with fitness solutions to increase retention for healthier outcomes. Both now, and for longevity.

Let’s work together to build the future of health.

Jonathan Scheiman, PHD
FitBiomics CEO & Co-Founder

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