Probiotics for Sleep: Key to Having a Restful Night - Fitbiomics

Probiotics for Sleep: Key to Having a Restful Night

Woman sleeping in a bed

Waking up in the morning with the feeling like you’ve been hit by a bus isn’t the ideal way to start the day; getting a good night’s sleep is essential to overall wellness and performing at your absolute best. 

But it turns out that 1 in 3 adults don’t actually get enough sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And unfortunately, minimal time dedicated to resting and poor sleep quality can result in more health issues and diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Probiotics for sleep may be the solution for someone who has done their best to improve sleeping habits but is still having a hard time getting that quality rest. But why does it work? Let’s take a closer look at why you should take probiotics for sleep, plus other lifestyle tips for improved sleeping patterns and why Nella daily probiotics are good for sleep.  

The Gut-Brain Connection and Sleep

When we talk about the gut-brain axis, we know that the vagus nerve controls your ability to breathe, swallow, and digest food. But this connection means something for your sleep, too; the vagus nerve communicates important messages from the gut directly to the brain, sharing information regarding the state of the organs, immune response, heart rate, digestion, mood, appetite, and sleep

When the gut-brain axis is neglected, these messages can be received poorly. Not taking care of your gut can have a significant impact on your mood, digestion, and sleep

“Neurotoxic metabolites such as D-lactic acid and ammonia produced by the gut microbiota may pass through the vagus nerve into the CNS, thereby affecting brain function, stress responses, and sleep structure.”

But research shows that having poor sleep from the start can also lead to negative changes in the gut microbiome, increasing the amount of bad bacteria in the gut, ultimately leading to inflammation and other issues that can impact other bodily functions attached to the vagus nerve. And without the right balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut, their production of short-chain fatty acids goes down as well. SCFAs are great for keeping inflammation at bay. 

In other words, a healthy gut microbiome is just as necessary for quality sleep as quality sleep is necessary for a healthy gut microbiome. 

Sleep and Probiotics: Understanding the Science

Quality rest relies on a lot of factors, and taking care of the gut may be one of the most important. 

Researchers at the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine found that the depletion of serotonin in the gut had an impact on sleep-wake cycles, linking microbial health to cognitive health and sleep patterns.  

In another study, researchers at Nova Southeastern University found that microbiome diversity was positively correlated with sleep efficiency and the total amount of time slept, and it was negatively correlated with sleep fragmentation, or the short interruptions of sleep during the night. The researchers concluded that one of the undeniable needs for quality sleep is a healthy gut microbiome.

Other Helpful Lifestyle Tips for Improving Sleep

Beyond taking probiotics for better sleep, there are other general lifestyle changes you can commit to that can have a positive influence on your sleeping habits. Here are some examples to consider:

  • Create a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help you regulate your body’s internal clock. This can have a significant impact on your quality of sleep. Try your best to keep a consistent schedule, even on the weekends. 
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol near your bedtime. As a stimulant, caffeine can impact your energy levels and disrupt your ability to get to sleep at a normal time. On the other end of the spectrum, alcohol interacts with the neurotransmitter systems that are responsible for regulating sleep, leading to low-quality rest.   
  • Set the tone for sleep. Going out of your way to create a comforting environment for rest can encourage healthy sleep. Make sure your room is dark and cold, and free of distractions like a work desk or children’s toys.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercising is a great way to exert your energy and tire the body out. Just be sure to leave enough time between your workout and your scheduled bedtime, as your adrenaline and energy levels may be higher directly after exercise.
  • Make time for relaxation. Whether it’s meditation, taking a hot bath, or reading your favorite book, make time to relax directly before bed. This is a simple way to get your mind and body ready for deep relaxation.
  • Why Consider Nella

    Are you considering probiotics for insomnia? If you think the reason behind your quality of rest has anything to do with your gut health, consider Nella daily probiotics to help you sleep and balance your gut microbiome.

    Gut health plays a key role in maintaining a sleep-wake cycle. With Nella, you can maintain a healthy gut environment that produces sleep hormones like melatonin for quality rest.

    For the best probiotics for sleep, digestion, and energy, subscribe to Nella today.

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